High Gas Prices Could Mean A Slimmer You

As rising gasoline prices are forcing many Americans to tighten their financial belts, it may lead to them tightening the belts around their waist.

"An additional $1 in real gasoline prices would reduce obesity in the U.S. by 15 percent after three years," said Charles Courtemanche, an economics researcher at Washington University in St. Louis. "In fact, about 13 percent of the rise in obesity between 1979 and 2004 can be attributed to falling real gas prices during the period."
According to Courtemanche's analysis, the reduction in obesity caused by a $1 increase in gasoline prices would save 16,000 lives and $17 billion a year.

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Vigorous exercise reduces weight gain risk

ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 6 (UPI) -- People who say they do about 30 minutes of jogging, bicycling or swimming a day were twice as likely to maintain a stable weight, a U.S. study found.

Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine researchers said a consistently high level of physical activity -- 30 minutes a day of vigorous activity -- from young adulthood into middle age increases the odds of maintaining a stable weight and lessens the amount of weight gained over time.
"The results will hopefully encourage young people to become more active and to maintain high activity over a lifetime," Hankinson said in a statement.

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Bike Parking

<img width="96" height="120" align="left" src="http://www.baltimorespokes.org/images/articles/20071130145241416_1.jpg" alt="">A report fom a MBAC member:
Here's a shot of the new parking meter bike racks in Hamden. Kudos to the city and parking authority for moving forward on this!

Last night on a tour of Harbor East as part of 1000 Friends Gala, the developers got a well deserved earfull about the lack of bike parking over there. Bikes were locked to everything, especially outside the gym, all street signs full and people had bikes chained to the furniture in the lobby. Not a bike rack in sight except at Whole Foods, which was full. Bike racks and street furniture are &quot;on the way&quot; just like on St. Paul street.
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DC to Pittsburg

Video of the opening of the Hot Metal Bridge to bike and pedestrian traffic and the remaining 9 miles of paths should open within a year.

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Future Jones Falls Trail Walk

The City will lead a walkthrough of the original trail route, starting at the Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital, on Saturday December 8, at 1:00 p.m. All are welcome; some may then walk the alternative route at the Northwest Park afterward.
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The case of "impeding traffic" in Trotwood, Ohio

However, more importantly, publication of the case greatly increases its precedential value to future cyclists who wish to challenge traffic citations.
At the February 7, 2000 trial, Officer Vance testified that Mr. Selz &quot;...was driving in the middle of the lane...&quot; and was going &quot;...no more than 15 miles per hour...&quot; She further testified that &quot;...cars had to stop and ... go over to the other lane to get around him...&quot;

It should be noted that State Route 49 at this point consisted of five lanes, two in each direction with a universal turning lane between them. It should also be noted that Mr. Selz was charged with violating Trotwood Municipal Code Section 333.04(a), for &quot;impeding traffic&quot; and was not charged with a violation of Ohio Revised Code Section 4511.55(A), which requires cyclists to ride &quot;as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable...&quot; (This ended up as a critical distinction in the eyes of the court of appeals, as will be discussed below.)
It became clear as the trial progressed that the City of Trotwood was going to take the position that if you can't ride 45 mph then you can be charged with &quot;impeding traffic.&quot;

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The hybrid car, misleading as the "low-fat cookie" with 500 calories

From a local Green discussion group:

Unfortunately the "Hybrid car" has already been hijacked as a green marketing term by the manufacturers (including Toyota) so that it is now as misleading as the "low-fat cookie" with 500 calories. Lexus and Ford luxury cars and SUV's are among the offenders.

A Prius is good, but for many driving patterns, no better than a Honda Fit, to name one of many alternatives. And a Prius emits more fossil CO2 than a VW Golf diesel burning diesel fuel blended with 50% recycled vegetable oil.

My overly-pedantic point: Hybrid is not synonymous with fuel efficient, nor is it the only or best way to reduce automotive CO2 emissions!

I agree completely. The Chevy Tahoe Hybrid gets 21 mpg in the city and 22 on the highway yet somehow was named "Green Car of the Year". The mind boggles.

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