Bikeways Grant FAQ's

[B' Spokes: Before I share the following email I have a pop quiz for you all: How does one become a Priority Funding Area? No idea? Congrats, that's the correct answer!

While I was really impressed with the out reach for MDOT Trails Plan, MDOT's Priority Funding Areas is a whole other matter. As far as I can tell it's totally top secret with no public comments allowed, or it's just a simple matter that no one really bothers to set these things up, as only in rare occasions have I seen the term actually used for a project and even then it seems to be more of a perk to give a developer then anything else, and that's not right.

High pedestrian fatality rates, really low bike modal share numbers, these do not seem to be enough to make a Priority Funding Area. [heavy sigh]

But there is hope with the County Priority Letter; start writing your County's Exec to prioritize your bike projects, (though still annoying this is outside the normal planning processes.)

And please remember, a simple Bike Master Plan is not enough to get funding.]

Hi all,
As a reminder, the new Bikeways program is accepting applications for funding through May 4. Information and application materials are at
Many of you may be getting questions from potential applicants, or may be suggesting that local governments consider applying. I’ve compiled a few key pieces of info to help with initial screening and questions from potential applicants. You can continue to direct questions to me, but I thought this would be helpful.   
What types of projects can be funded?
The program is pretty broad, and can help fund almost any bike project for general public use. On-road facilities and off-road trails; Local and state roads (though most state road projects will be handled through bike retrofit, system preservation, etc.)
Is (blank) project eligible for Bikeways funding?
To be eligible for Bikeways funding, a project must be:
-          Located substantially (80%) within the Priority Funding Area (PFA), and/or
-          Located within ½ mile of a rail transit station, and/or
-          Addressing a gap identified in the MDOT Trails Plan A Greener Way to Go, and/or
-          Identified as a transportation priority in a County’s most recent annual priority letter submitted to MDOT
We have created an online map showing these areas that can be accessed from the webpage with the application materials. If a project is not covered by any of these criteria, then it will not be considered for Bikeways funding.
Are local road projects eligible?
Yes, as long as the project falls within an eligible area listed above.
What types of projects are likely to receive funding?
This is a new program, so we don’t know how competitive it is likely to be this year. Projects that have the greatest potential to improve bicycling as a transportation option will be rated the highest. So, for example, projects that provide access to transit and connections to employers, schools and other destinations will be favored. In addition, projects that are included in the MDOT Trails Plan will be rated highly.
Who can apply?
Local governments, state agencies, MPOs, RPOs, transit entities, and federal public lands agencies. Private and non-profit organizations can not apply directly, but they can partner with an eligible applicant.
What is the required match?
The required matching fund level varies from 0 to 80% depending on the location and type of a particular project.
The first step is to determine if a project falls within a bikeways priority area. We have created an online map showing the priority areas. They include:
-          Rail transit station areas (within ½ mile)
-          Planned missing links in MDOT Trails Plan 
-          Sustainable Community Areas (designated by DHCD)
-          Maryland Main Streets
-          Central business districts (not an official designation, but evidenced by land uses) and major institutions
-          (e.g. universities, major hospitals)
-          Census tract(s) at or below 60% of Area Median Income 
The next step is to look at the type of project. Match rates are as follows:
In Bikeways Priority Area
Not in Bikeways Priority Area
Minor Retrofit (up to $100,000 for signing, pavement markings, etc)
Feasibility Assessment/Planning
There are not hard and fast rules about soft match, cash match, what can count toward match, etc. Projects with stronger cash match will be more competitive for funding.  
Is this federal money?
No, it’s 100% state money. So it can be used toward an Enhancements grant match.
Please continue encouraging local governments to apply – getting word out about the new program is critical to its success!! Please also filter back any feedback or concerns you are hearing to me.

Thank you,
Kate R. Sylvester
Office of Planning and Capital Programming
Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)

by B' Spokes

Like most people I live a hectic life and who has the time for much exercise? Thanks to xtracycle now I do. By using my bike for daily activities I can get things done and get an hour plus work out in 15 minutes extra of my time, not a bad deal and beats taking the extra time going to the gym. In case you are still having trouble being motivated; the National Center of Disease Control says that inactivity is the #2 killer in the United States just behind smoking. ( ) Get out there and start living life! I can carry home a full shopping cart of groceries, car pool two kids or just get lost in the great outdoors camping for a week. Well I got go, another outing this weekend.
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