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Complete Streets Policies

  • City of Rockville Complete Streets Policy (1,088)
    The Complete Streets policy of the “City of Rockville” is developed to provide guidance for its residents, decision makers, planners and designers to ensure that multimodal elements are incorporated into all transportation improvement projects.
    • New construction and re-construction roadway projects in the City shall accommodate users of all ages and abilities including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motorists and adjacent land users.
    • Roadway projects shall adhere to the most recent City approved:
    o Comprehensive Master Plan,
    o Standards and Details for Construction,
    o Guidelines for Neighborhood Traffic Management,
    o Bikeway Master Plan,
    o Pedestrian Policies,
    o Comprehensive Transportation Review,
    o Sidewalk Prioritization Policy, and
    o Other applicable transportation policies.
    • Roadway projects shall respect the character of the community it is serving and preserve the environmental, scenic, aesthetic, and historic resources of the area.
    • Roadway projects shall include a project description that provides information about the City right-of-way, public support for the improvement, and the potential environmental impacts of improvements.
    • Roadway projects shall follow an open and transparent public engagement process during the planning, design and development of complete street projects.
    • Roadway projects shall be funded through the City’s Capital Improvements Program, through developer projects and contributions, through federal and state grants, and through revenues generated through the City’s speed camera program.

    Complete Streets Policy Adopted: July 2009 City of Rockville, Maryland