Alert: Fix severed bike route NOW!

Update: Meeting planned for mid to late november thanks to Rikki Spector's help.
[B' Spokes: I go away for a few years and look what they did to my bike route. :(
I personally find it repulsive that in this day and age when they "upgrade" an intersection not only did they not include any consideration for pedestrians they made it even more dangerous for pedestrians to cross. And basically once you accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists can easily be accommodated as well. To state the obvious, if you accommodate motorist to turn left then cyclists can turn left as well.]

Google mapGoogle maps

no left turn allowedNote the double right turn only and no crosswalks. (Looking north.)

LAW: TR § 2-602.(3) As to any new transportation project or improvement to an existing transportation facility, the Department shall work to ensure that transportation options for pedestrians and bicycle riders will be enhanced and that pedestrian and bicycle access to transportation facilities will not be NEGATIVELY impacted by the project or improvement;

5. Cyclists have the right to routine accommodations in all roadway projects and improvements.
6. Cyclists have the right to urban and roadway planning, development, and design that enable and support safe cycling.
7. Cyclists have the right to traffic signals, signage, and maintenance standards that enable and support safe cycling.

Need We need more accommodations for cyclists and pedestrians in Baltimore not less!

If there was an award for the most inappropriate transportation "improvement" this has to be a contender for first place, as it symbolizes all that is wrong with old school transportation planning. We need to end transportation planning that has the ideals that the mode that travels the fastest and furthest with ease needs to travel even faster (typically measured in seconds) and needs the most direct routes. While the modes that are slower and have limited distance range would not mind going out of their way and going much slower (typically measured by half hour increases.)

image W54-Special (California) - Freeway Pedestrian - gif (yellow) via

Maybe we should install some of these signs, not for the motorists but for the pedestrians to show how they need to cross 6 lanes of traffic. Of course I am being facetious but my point is just because a mode is not accommodated does not mean they go away. You can see by Google satellite imagery there is a "goat path" along the northern side of Northern Parkway, that is till the guard rail gets in the way just before the intersection. I'm so flabbergasted that rather than improving the situation here for pedestrians they actually made it worse by removing the stop phase for westbound Northern Parkway traffic on a blind curve no less. Seriously, no thought for even a crosswalk here and you call that an improvement? We had engineers looking at this intersection and this is the best they could come up with?

The case for cyclists is easier, the route was master planned and usable for years and now it's not legal or safe and it was made that way in violation of law. But for even more support this connects the northern portion of the Jones Falls trail to my neighborhood and no it's not cool just to wait for when the trail is finally built even further east to cross Northern Parkway. 1) there is the time waiting and 2) it will not be near this intersection (see my first point about increasing distance for slower modes.) Pedestrians need to be accommodated here and if pedestrians are accommodated then cyclists can be easily added as well.
  • If you are tired of too many intersection dialed up to only accommodate motorists with no thought of cyclists and pedestrians.
  • If you are tired of the city erasing bike lanes within a week of installation for unstated safety reasons but when our safety and right to travel has been curtailed the city drags its feet.
  • Making slow and steady progress in accommodating cyclists is dependent on not losing any ground, yet metrics like the Bicycle Level of Service has remained unchanged over the years because we are losing ground as fast as we are gaining.
  • Service request 13-00749905 has been entered and a due date of 3/23/2014 is unacceptable.

While efforts to improve conditions for bicycling in the region have been robust in the time since the 1999 analysis, the 2004 [the most recent data] value distribution is statistically identical.

Your city council rep (look up)
Your state senator and delegates (Look up) as they should know when local goverments activly engaged in making the streets unsafe for pedestrains and cyclists.
(Be sure to include your full name, address and phone number.)

Side notes:
There is probably some thinking along the lines "but you are a brave and fearless rider just rider just take Northern Parkway"

I'm concerned about my kids and other neighbors getting to and from the trail, they are not so fearless. And there are reasons to have trepidation.
  • Safe cycling on the road needs good sight lines not a blind curve with thick vegetation growing right next to the road.
  • Most accidents happen between areas of congestion, like between the freeway and the more congested areas just west of here
  • Too many vehicles travel well above the speed limit here. (Because of just coming off the highway???)
  • This is a bit of an uphill so cycling speeds are slower than normal.
Conclusion: the higher speed differential + limited sight lines does not equal anything close to being a perfectly safe alternative route.

by B' Spokes

Like most people I live a hectic life and who has the time for much exercise? Thanks to xtracycle now I do. By using my bike for daily activities I can get things done and get an hour plus work out in 15 minutes extra of my time, not a bad deal and beats taking the extra time going to the gym. In case you are still having trouble being motivated; the National Center of Disease Control says that inactivity is the #2 killer in the United States just behind smoking. ( ) Get out there and start living life! I can carry home a full shopping cart of groceries, car pool two kids or just get lost in the great outdoors camping for a week. Well I got go, another outing this weekend.
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