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5 Economic Myths About Bicycling

We’re all rich, and poor, and freeloaders

By Elly Blue, Bicycling

y new book, Bikenomics: How Bicycling Can Save the Economy came out this week! During my research on the book, I ran up against a bunch of myths about people who ride bicycles. Like all good myths, these contained a kernel of truth. Likewise, they all miss the boat while trying to describe the reality of the pedal-powered economic revolution that’s quietly spreading across the US of A.

Myth 1: We’re rich
Myth 2: We’re poor
Myth 3: We’re cheapskates
Myth 4: We’re freeloaders
Myth 5: We just help ourselves

<a href="http://blogs.bicycling.com/blogs/everyday-rider/2013/12/06/5-economic-myths-about-bicycling/">http://blogs.bicycling.com/blogs/everyday-rider/2013/12/06/5-economic-myths-about-bicycling/</a>;
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Working from home, bicycle commuting on the rise in Baltimore

By Ryan McDonald, Baltimore Business Journal

Fewer workers are commuting by car in Maryland’s urban areas, including Baltimore, according to a report by the Maryland PIRG Foundation.
Between 2006 and 2011, there was a 1.8 percent decrease in vehicle miles traveled per capita in Baltimore.

The steepest reduction in driving belongs to the younger workers. Americans between the ages of 16 and 34 reduced their average driving miles by more than 20 percent between 2001 and 2009.

<a href="http://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/blog/morning-edition/2013/12/working-at-home-bicycle-commuting-on.html">http://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/blog/morning-edition/2013/12/working-at-home-bicycle-commuting-on.html</a>;
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[B' Spokes: I have not read the paper (requires registration) but what I speculate is road treatments designed solely to reduce motorist speed by a few mph are not effective in reducing crashes, Or I'll assert road treatments that alert drivers to bicyclists and pedestrians are effective.

I'll note I've seen a lot of studies over the years that just looked at motorists speed, hopefully we will start looking at things more comprehensively now.
-&gt; According to an Oct. 15th TRB abstract of a report titled Quasi-Experimental Study of Traffic Calming Measures in New York City, “This paper provides a large-scale, rigorous evaluation of traffic calming projects in one U. S. city. The study area is New York City, which treated 391 streets with speed tables between 1996 and 2003. On the basis of crash frequencies for 5 years before treatment and 5 years after for treated streets and well-matched comparison streets, no evidence emerged that New York City's ambitious traffic calming program has led to a reduction in total crashes, pedestrian crashes, or injury crashes. This is in contrast to earlier, less carefully controlled evaluations that have reported significant reductions in crashes with traffic calming.” [Access to full report requires purchase]
Source: <a href="http://bit.ly/HgMjHj">http://bit.ly/HgMjHj</a>;

from CenterLines, the e-newsletter of the National Center for Bicycling &amp; Walking.
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Pedestrain space taking over the streets in Baltimore

[B' Spokes: OK it's only temporary but still cool.]

There are a lot of holiday events on Charles Street this weekend and the restaurants and bars are usually packed. We helped some establishments in the 300 block of North Charles gain a little elbow room by creating temporary outdoor dining (with heaters). These spaces will be open all weekend for the Monument Lighting, Style Stroll, Christmas tree sales on Saturday, and Dollar or Less Days.

Via Downtown Partnership of Baltimore, Inc.
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Creator: 'Charlie' helps motorists slow down


City wants 'Charlie' sculpture taken down, says it's hazardous.

When traffic kept coming through one city neighborhood at break-neck speed, residents decided something had to be done.


Fouse said since Charlie has been there, folks driving through the intersection have slowed down, which was the whole idea.

But no matter how residents feel, the city said Charlie has to go.

B'Spokes: But meanwhile in bike friendly Tucson, AZ this stands to help make this bike route a lot safer (but BCDOT would probably call it unsafe and take it down):
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The "new Nate"

I got the chance to meet the "new Nate" during my meeting over the lack of bike/ped accsses at Northern Parkway and Greenspring.

So this is Baltimore's new bike/ped coordinator Caitlin Doolin (in high-vis red) and the Northwest Transportation Liaison Kohl Fallin on the right.

So in a brief little chat with Caitlin she' has a long history of being a bike commuter in the city with an impressive background in biking to her former workplace on bike unfriendly roads and attends Baltimore Bike Parties . Not to mention a little dabbling in cyclocross, not necessarily to win but to just have a little fun on the bike. So far I think she's perfect for Baltimore. ;)

P.S. Stay tuned on what BCDOT might do to fix this intersection.
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A Guide to Locking Up in Baltimore

A very good post on Baltimore Bike Party: <a href="http://baltimorebikeparty.com/2013/11/18/a-guide-to-locking-up-in-baltimore/">http://baltimorebikeparty.com/2013/11/18/a-guide-to-locking-up-in-baltimore/</a>;

But I'll note I still would love to see the police more actively involved in prosecuting bike thieves including using bait bikes and other tools. Living and growing up in Baltimore should not involve having your bike stolen every few years.
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