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An overview:


I asked my Human Resources folks about this last year when it was signed into law, then asked about it again this year. The response I received is that Raytheon is not participating. I plan to dig deeper to see if any type of commuter benefit is being received anywhere in Raytheon to determine if there is discrimination.

So, I'm asking League of American Bicyclists and One Less Car if there is any other way to benefit from this if one's employer refuses to participate. If I receive an answer, I'll post it here.



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Thanks to One Less Car for a quick response. This URL [FAQ] answers some of the questions about the benefit:


Thanks, again, to Carol S. of OLC for the quick response.



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According to a top member of the Yahoo group BicycleCommuterGroup (http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/bicyclecommutergroup/), 14 bicycle commuters out of 13 companies stated that the benefit is not being supported by their companies.

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The response I received is that Raytheon is not participating. I plan to dig deeper to see if any type of commuter benefit is being received anywhere in Raytheon,ccna to determine if there is discrimination.

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Note the calculation is based on income not profit. So if every 100 euros of income costs you 50 euros to generate (costs of buying the lawnmower, curtain material, paintbrushes, petrol etc) you will be paying about 46% of your profit in charges. So you are not getting off cheap – 46% of net profit on a small business is hardly over-generous (some might even say the charges are onerous), but you are being able to try a small business where previously you wouldn’t have been able to.
The lower your real costs are in generating the income, the more appealing the auto-entrepreneur business will be for you.


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