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By: Likes:
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From the North Baltimore Bike Brigade Facebook group:

Psycho driver : MD Plate 159M099 by ratherbebiking.
I was riding up falls rd minding my own business. I'm almost all the way on the right as usual, so nobody should have much of a problem passing me. this lady accelerated past me and cut me off to pull into the DOT facility on falls rd, almost hitting me. luckily i wasnt run off the road and i was able to slow down before hitting the van or going off the shoulder.

i wanted to know if it was a deliberate move or not, so i asked her what she was doing. she said i should have been more careful riding - what? she picked up her daughter and followed me to try to get a picture of my face, then turned around and went back south on falls rd. ahh... mother & daughter spending quality time harassing that white boy on the bike. i hope the girl doesn't grow up to drive as recklessly as her mom does.


Registered: 06/14/05
Posts: 47
Location: Baltimore MD
By: Likes:

I -really- need to start carrying my camera for such occassions and then posting them, here, too. The NBBB blog entry is brilliant.

We need to start a rogues gallery of bike-hating motorists, here.

By: Likes:

Hi! I've got some stories, too. Need a place to vent them out. Unfortunately, I have no photos. Perhaps I will carry a camera with me for just this opportunity in the future!

* Riding south on Guilford Avenue early afternoon, circa 1pm. There are four lanes all going in the same direction. I was riding as far right as possible when a sudden continuous and sustained honking chases me down the road. I am not one of those who advocate honking to get the attention of bikers and pedestrians because of the jarring volume of an automobile horn which is designed to be heard by another motorist ensconced within their 3000 pound hunk of metal and plastic with their windows all the way up. It was another psycho-female in a mini-van speaking on a cell phone apparently multitasking still finding the ability to irately scold me for being in her way. She literally told me (mouthed through the window while still leaning on the horn) to "GET OFF THE ROAD!" How's that for sharing the road with bikes?!

* Riding north on Washington Street crossing the intersection onto St. Lo Drive of Clifton Park circa 5:30am. This is a four way lighted intersection and I had the GREEN LIGHT. A car coming from my left (note: the direction with a RED LIGHT) is honking at me for being in their way while they are RUNNING A RED LIGHT at 5:30 in the morning. Driver entitlement taken to the next level!

By: Likes:

I am beginning to think I should promote a bike cam as a safety device as stuff never happens when I have it running. Wink

Registered: 06/14/05
Posts: 47
Location: Baltimore MD
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