Oh no, we passed a law that favors transportation projects in urban areas over rural

[B' Spokes: More and more it seems politics gets split between urban vs rural. Rural needs more miles of road per person and urban would like more transit per person. I can see where people on one side resent people on the other side of this issue especially since there is not enough money to build our way out of congestion. So how to split a limited resource fairly? Should we allocate more money that benefits less people? That is what they are asking for. Don't get me wrong, we should have road projects in rural Maryland but IMHO it comes down to how frequently. What I have seen in the past that I think our current legislation address is that every county wanted a new road project, every year, every budget. Maryland is very rural so you can see how that approach would make less money available for projects like the Red Line. So sure lets give rural Maryland at least one project a year that it wants the most. But which rural county is going to benefit the most and who is going to have to do without? Would some sort of taking turns work? What I fear is going back to a system where every county has to get some major project every year so transit always has to suffer. Anyway read the Washington Post's take on this: ]


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