.Councilman Tom Quirk - Baltimore County District 1

Open Space, Trails & Environmental Protection
Councilman Quirk is a champion of open space and alternatives to vehicular traffic as integral to maintaining our quality of life, protecting our natural resources and maintaining our property values.
“Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Committee” Bill 2-11 (February 2011) established the Baltimore County Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee.

Traffic Management & Pedestrian Safety
Councilman Quirk lives on a heavily trafficked road and is intimately aware of the challenges that vehicular traffic presents for his neighbors and constituents, many of whom live in the district for its family friendly culture and good schools.
“Speed Monitoring System” Bill 1-11 (January 2011)  increases availability of speed monitoring systems in school zones in direct response to the enormous number of speeding complaints.


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