Dangerous crosswalk --- need more notice ▶ Open

By Tim Arnold, See Click Fix


There is a dangerous crosswalk for pedestrians to walk on W Cold Spring Ln from I-83, on the south sidewalk of W Cold Spring Ln. Pedestrians must cross a highway exit ramp with poor visibility / a sharp curve. Cars come through this curve at highway speeds, giving them no time to stop if a pedestrian is in a crosswalk. Some sort of traffic calming mechanism needs to be installed: flashing lights activated by pedestrians, more signage, physical traffic calming, etc. Many pedestrians use this crosswalk to get to the Cold Spring light rail stop, and it's extremely dangerous.

<a href="http://seeclickfix.com/issues/605723">http://seeclickfix.com/issues/605723</a>;
[B' Spokes: Will the city ever do something about this? As it seems to be the &quot;acceptable&quot; way to accommodate pedestrians at high speed ramps.]

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