Happy March 25 — Opposite Chamber Bill Crossover Date

On this date:

Each Chamber to send to other Chamber those bills it intends to pass favorably
Opposite Chamber bills received after this date subject to referral to Rules
Committees (Senate Rule 32(c), House Courtesy Date)
<a href="http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/Pubs-current/current-session-dates.pdf">http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/Pubs-current/current-session-dates.pdf</a>;

B' Spokes: That is to say that the Mandatory Helmet Bill did not transfer over so it is officially dead as all our other bike bills.

<a href="http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmMain.aspx?pid=narrowsubjpage&amp;tab=subject3&amp;id=bicycles&amp;stab=01&amp;ys=2013RS">http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmMain.aspx?pid=narrowsubjpage&amp;tab=subject3&amp;id=bicycles&amp;stab=01&amp;ys=2013RS</a>;

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