Walk Appeal

By Steve Mouzon, Better! Cities & Towns

Walk Appeal promises to be a major new tool for understanding and building walkable places, and it explains several things that were heretofore either contradictory or mysterious. It begins with the assertion that the quarter-mile radius (or 5-minute walk,) which has been held up for a century as the distance Americans will walk before driving, is actually a myth.
<a href="http://bettercities.net/news-opinion/blogs/steve-mouzon/18645/walk-appeal">http://bettercities.net/news-opinion/blogs/steve-mouzon/18645/walk-appeal</a>;
[B' Spokes: Shows wonderful examples where people are willing to walk up to 2 miles and all the way down to 25 feet. I will also note that the same people that assume the quarter-mile walking radius also design bus stops with a one mile walk to get across the street.]

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