The problem: Bikes Colliding with Buses

B' Spokes: I am very concerned about how this cycling accident is being reported here. Previous experience with the Jack Yates and Nathan Krasnopoler fatalities has shown that police were very quick to put the blame on the cyclist and all initial reports said "the cyclist hit the motor vehicle" so the police found/made up something to justify their position that the cyclist was at fault, totally in error. And I will assert that if it were not for the involvement of the cycling community justice would not have been served.

Questionable quotes from the article: <a href=""></a>;
* the bike he was riding collided with a bus
* Emergency personnel determined that a bicycle being operated by an adult male impacted a city bus that was traveling in the northbound bus lane.
. [Note: As far as I am aware this is a bus/bike lane, not a bus only lane.]

So unless we have some evidence that the cyclists was traveling against traffic the reporting is highly suspect.

ref: bus/bike lane:
<a href=""></a>;
<a href=""></a>;

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Baltimore Spokes