Need Share the Road signs (almost two years old)

B' Spokes: Once again I'll ask for your help in getting to the front something that has fallen through the cracks.

The issue: <a href=""></a>;

I have emailed everyone that could possibly help and well to be curt, all the responses have been closer to &quot;Not my job&quot; then &quot;Let me make sure this gets the appropriate attention.&quot;

So to be frank, this &quot;Not my job&quot; attitude is not getting results. Hazardous storm grates still in place? Really??? That should be a big no, no but I queses it's not anyone's job to make sure the best engineering practices regarding the needs of bicycle riders are met during all phases of construction. Wait, don't we have a law that says they should be giving cyclists due consideration? Oh ya, this: § 2-602. Public policy <a href=""></a>;

So I am asking you email Michael Jackson &lt;; and Nathan Evans &lt;; and just get some &quot;Share the Road&quot; signs in place. Such a simple request should not require this type of action, getting share the road signs should be as simple as getting a pot hole fixed. Something is obviously not working and Michael is the only one in a position to fix this.

I hate writing things like this but if the State want to take pride in it's bike friendly policies like § 2-602 they should also have some obligation to act and not to let things fall through the cracks.

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Baltimore Spokes