Highlight from American Walks:

No Right-Turn on Red

When attempting to turn right on red, vehicles must look left to see if the road is clear; drivers often forget to look right before turning and may not see pedestrians to their right. Restricting right-turns on red can reduce confl icts between vehicles and pedestrians. Blank out turn restriction signs are more effective than conventional “No Right Turn on Red” signs. “No Right Turn on Red” signs that specify time-of-day restrictions or “When Pedestrians are Present” are confusing to motorists and are often disregarded.

Pedestrian Recall

Pedestrian recall gives pedestrians a “Walk” signal at every cycle. No pushbutton or detection is necessary since a “Walk” signal will always be given. Pedestrian recalls are useful in areas with high levels of pedestrian activity. They demonstrate that an intersection is meant to serve both vehicles and pedestrians. In general, pedestrian recall should be used if pedestrians actuate a “Walk” signal 75 percent of the time during three or more hours per day

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