Brew donor offering matching funds

[B' Spokes: Help make Baltimore a better place.]

By Fern Shen - Baltimore Brew

We hit $15,000, but it ain’t over, folks. A donor has promised to match whatever money we raise above $15,000!

In other words, if we reach $18,000, this person will kick in an additional $3,000. If we come up with an extra $5,000 and hit the $20,000 mark, our patron will contribute an additional $5,000, putting us at $25,000. (Boy, that sounds good.)

So between now and Sunday Jan. 22 at 10 a.m. , when the Baltimore Brew Kickstarter campaign ends, your Brew support counts double:  every dollar you pledge to us turns into two. (Don’t wait until the last minute folks because Mr./Ms Benefactor will be making his/her donation via Kickstarter on Sunday morning and the match will happen then.)

Can you help us, Brew readers? If you haven’t contributed yet, you can look like a really smart guy by doing it now when the moolah will be matched.

Thanks. And to our incredibly generous benefactor who wishes to remain nameless, we really appreciate your support and vote of confidence in our work. By the way, I asked Benefactor X if he has an upper limit. Yup, he’ll go up to $10,000. Wow.

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