Hayworths - 50 years of marriage & 5,000 bicycle miles

by John Quinlan

Add 50 movies, 50 states and 5,000 bicycle miles and you have a successful formula for celebrating 50 years of marriage.
"And the other big thing, which was more challenging, was we were going to ride 5,000 miles this year on our bikes, and we achieved that in October," Glen said. "Actually, we're over 6,000 miles now. We kept on going."
Just like their marriage.

Read more: <a href="http://www.siouxcityjournal.com/lifestyles/couples/hayworths-enjoy-movies-states-years-of-marriage/article_c23042ed-99d7-56af-9594-7ceed5feb0b8.html">http://www.siouxcityjournal.com/lifestyles/couples/hayworths-enjoy-movies-states-years-of-marriage/article_c23042ed-99d7-56af-9594-7ceed5feb0b8.html</a>;

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