ICC puts strain on Maryland’s transportation funds

By Katherine Shaver, Monday, November 21, 5:19 PM

The 18.8-mile Intercounty Connector, scheduled to open in full Tuesday, could be the last publicly funded highway built in Maryland for a generation, as the state’s tolling agency, which financed its $2.56 billion construction, reaches its debt limit, local transportation experts said.
<a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/icc-puts-strain-on-marylands-transportation-funds/2011/11/15/gIQAb2k7iN_story.html">http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/icc-puts-strain-on-marylands-transportation-funds/2011/11/15/gIQAb2k7iN_story.html</a>;

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