W.Va. to get $4.8M in US transportation grants

Business Week highlights:

West Virginia will get $4.8 million in federal highway funds for projects that enhance pedestrians' and bicyclists' safety, preserve scenic views and boost historic preservation and tourism.

Isn't that nice FARS ranks West Virginia #24 for a high pedestrian fatality rate meanwhile Maryland with a ranking of #4 and $31.5 million in federal highway funds for projects that enhance pedestrians' and bicyclists' safety that is unspent is not news worthy. :( For kicks look at West Virginia's Transportation Enhancement spending and you'll note that they are spending more then Maryland and that Maryland's Transportation Enhancement spending took a nose dive during O'Malley's administration. I can understand not spending money you don't have but not spending money you do have? That is just crazy.

If you care to write: governor@gov.state.md.us
But don't expect a response that will hint at correcting this. (And yes I am jaded on this subject.)

Note: I usually only ask you to write when you can make a difference, THIS IS NOT THE CASE HERE. Only write if you are inspired.

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