I'll take your scofflaw cyclists and raise you 57,000 scofflaw motorists

This NBC article (found via Stop The Maryland Unsafe Driver) highlights speed camera violations in just a couple of locations. Unlike those who point out just cyclists violations as if cyclists are something other then human, we like to point out people are people and traffic enforcement is a joke across the board. Yes we would like to see ALL road users pay closer attention to safety and the rules of the road, as it is only when the rules of cooperation are clear can the roads be made safer and this goal can never be accomplished by focusing on just one group (or mode of transportation.)

<a href="http://stopthemud.org/2011/07/despite-cameras-md-drivers-still-speeding-nbc-washington/">http://stopthemud.org/2011/07/despite-cameras-md-drivers-still-speeding-nbc-washington/</a>;

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