[Presumed unlawful] Cyclists a menace in Poolesville [for not riding in non-existent bike lanes]

B' Spokes: This uneducated opinion piece in the Gazette should never have been printed IMHO.

Quoting from <a href="http://www.gazette.net/article/20110720/OPINION/707209871/1014/cyclists-a-menace-in-poolesville&amp;template=gazette">http://www.gazette.net/article/20110720/OPINION/707209871/1014/cyclists-a-menace-in-poolesville&amp;template=gazette</a>;
&quot;giving the middle fingers to drivers that try to alert them when driving up behind them because they are too far out in the road and not using the tax-paid bike lanes.&quot;

1) In Maryland's Drivers' Handbook: <a href="http://www.mva.maryland.gov/resources/dl-002a.pdf">http://www.mva.maryland.gov/resources/dl-002a.pdf</a>;
&quot;As you approach a bicyclist, slow down. Avoid honking your horn. Bicyclists can usually hear an approaching vehicle and loud noises can startle bicyclists, causing a crash.&quot;
-- And --
Expect Bicyclists on the Road
Expect to find a bicyclist on all types of roads (except interstate highways and toll facilities), at all intersections and roundabouts, in all types of weather, and at all times of the day and night. Bicyclists may ride out in the travel lane for their own safety due to narrow roads, or to avoid obstacles or pavement hazards. On roads without shoulders, or with cars parked along the right side, often the safest place for a bicyclist to ride is in the center of the lane. In Maryland, a bicyclist may use the full lane even while traveling substantially below the speed of traffic if the lane is too narrow for a car to safely pass a bicycle within the lane

2) We are not restricted to roads with bike lanes. If there is no bike lane .. well read above.

Quoting again: &quot;They need to pay road taxes, have an ID tag on their bike, so that we can contact the police and report them when they break the road rules.&quot;

1) Road tax ??? They must mean the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 that created a tax on motoring for interstates (not local roads.) Ummm.. cyclists are not allowed on the interstates and we pay into the system that pays for local roads, just like motorists.

2) Moving violations can only be enforced when witnessed by a trained police officer, there are exceptions for the most grievous of cases but those are not mentioned here so no demonstrable need for bike IDs.

3) Related; But cars pay for roads... <a href="http://www.baltimorespokes.org/article.php?story=20100301134330599">http://www.baltimorespokes.org/article.php?story=20100301134330599</a>;

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