Police advise cyclists to lock their bikes securely

By The Baltimore Guide

Thieves were rolling this week and bicyclists were hurting as a rash of cycle thefts hit Southeast Baltimore.

In most cases, cycles were left unsecured and unattended. Many of them were last seen leaning against front steps or parked in back yards of houses.

Police remind cyclists to invest in good locks, and to lock the bicycle through the frame rather than through a front wheel, because front wheels are easy to detach. Bicycles should be locked to a permanent structure such as a fence post or bicycle rack, or brought inside when not in use.

Read more: <a href="http://baltimoreguide.com/http:/baltimoreguide.com/bicycles-perform-a-disappearing-act/">http://baltimoreguide.com/http:/baltimoreguide.com/bicycles-perform-a-disappearing-act/</a>;

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