Latest round of federal transportation funding cuts!

From League of American Bicyclists:

Your state DOT may be ready to cut millions in bicycle and pedestrian funding

Another $2.5 billion rescission - by July 8 

Yesterday, June 30, the Federal Highway Administration informed state Departments of Transportation of another rescission of funds, this time totaling $2.5 billion. The action is taken under the 2011 Full-year Continuing Appropriations Act. Attached is the FHWA notice, which includes the total amount of funds each state is to send back to Washington .

States are given maximum flexibility about the source of the funds that are rescinded – from among the following programs: Interstate Maintenance, National Highway System, Highway Bridge , Transportation Enhancements, Surface Transportation Program (only the funds available for any area), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement, Recreational Trails, Metropolitan Planning, State Planning and Research, and Equity Bonus. You will note that Safe Routes to School and Highway Safety Improvement Program funds are NOT included.

States have to respond by July 8 – yes that’s right: one week from today. The memo recommends that “Division Administrators should encourage their State department of transportation officials to reach out to stakeholders in considering how to implement the rescission.”

By now you all know the drill. Transportation Enhancement and Congestion Mitigation Air Quality funds have consistently been inequitably targeted for rescissions in most states – and this will likely continue unless State DOT’s hear from you. In August of 2010, almost $1 billion of CMAQ, TE and Recreational Trails funds were returned to Washington , out of a $2.2 billion rescission. See our Rescissions FAQs for more information.

Please contact your Governor, or in the District of Columbia's case, your Mayor, today to urge them to work with their departments of transportation to ensure balanced cuts. 

Thank you in advance for your help !

Sorry to rain on your July 4th parades…

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