Cycle Maryland Kickoff Event

Governor Martin O'Malley will be leading us out to kick off this wonderful program!

Saturday, June 18 ยท 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Cross Island Trail
425 Piney Narrows Road,
Chester, MD

Queen Anne's County Visitor's Center
(aka Chesapeake Exploration Center)
Cycle Maryland announcement and trail ride with Governor O'Malley.
<a href=""></a>;
[B' Spokes: If someone (a bunch would be better) could ask O'Malley nicely to let some of that $31 million of unspent federal Transportation Enhancement money be spent by the counties for bike lanes. Or more simply &quot;Please let the counties use federal money for bike lanes. And yes MDOT's current policy (established in 1992) does not really allow that. But it is nice that you are out participating today.&quot;]

<a href=""></a>;

Maryland's Transportation Enhancement takes a nose dive during the O'Malley Administration <a href=""></a>;

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Baltimore Spokes