Putting the Masses Behind Mass Transit

By Bill Worthen

It's no secret that Americans are in love with the automobile. Yet, this heavy reliance on autos is taking a toll on the country's flawed transportation system. Fluctuating gas prices, rising everyday living costs, environmental concerns and an aging infrastructure further tax our transportation system and suggest that it's time to reconsider this long-standing love affair with cars.

We're reaching the limits of our capacity and density regarding transportation. Anyone who commutes to work via automobile is likely well-versed in the frustrations caused by traffic, highway degradation and other problems. Yet across the nation we see a real resistance to mass transit.

<a href="http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/30/idUS188765760220110330">http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/30/idUS188765760220110330</a>;

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