Baltimore County Pedals Forward

from Bike Baltimore by Nate Evans

Last week, I had the opportunity to do some good old-fashioned, unbridled bike advocacy.  Being the bike planner for the city, a balance has to be struck between what’s best for cyclists, the future of cycling, all road users and community interests.  But not last Wednesday…

With Carol Silldorff from Bike Maryland, we met two new Baltimore County Councilmen:  Tom Quirk from District 1 and David Marks from District 5.   I’ve known David since high school and over the past couple years, we worked on the Walkable Perry Hall Report and the Perry Hall Community Plan together.   I knew it was a good day for the county when David was elected our new councilmember.

Over the course of our conversation we discussed identifying trail projects, implementing the Eastern (& Western) County Bicycle & Pedestrian Access Plan and funding sources for dedicated active transportation officials inside the county government.

The highlight of our conversation was on a resolution calling for the creation of the BALTIMORE COUNTY PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  Both Councilmen Marks and Quirk are introducing this legislation TONIGHT at the Baltimore County Council meeting.  The creation of this advisory group will work similarly to the Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee, just with a little more “teeth.”  Some of the highlights of the legislation include:

Join me in thanking Councilmen Marks & Quirk for their forward thinking vision of Baltimore County and encourage their fellow councilmembers to support this important legislation!

UPDATE: You’ll be able to testify at the work session on Tuesday, February 1 at 2 p.m. in the Plum Room of the County Council.  The vote is on Monday, February 7

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