Current Bicycle Laws (Phase one)

[B' Spokes: as a result of your efforts the following corrections have been made to MVA's web site. In particular note how our 3' law is summarized, big improvement. Thanks again to all who helped in this, and to our good friends in Maryland Highway Safety Office who helped a great deal. Hopefully there will be a few additional changes but we are off to a great start.]

The laws referenced below are current as of October 2010, and can be found in the Annotated Code of Maryland, Transportation Article.

Take The High Road:  Share The Road – It Belongs To Everyone

You are responsible for controlling your vehicle as necessary to avoid a crash!

By Maryland law, bicycles are vehicles.  Bicyclists are authorized users of the roadway, and bicyclists have the same rights-of-way and the same duty to obey all traffic signals as motorists. But bicycles are less visible, quieter, and don’t have a protective barrier around them. Motorists should drive carefully near bicyclists; even a slight mistake can result in serious injury or even death.

Traffic Laws for Motorists

Traffic Laws for Bicyclists


Equipment Required

The old 3' language can be found here under "Poor Summary."

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Baltimore Spokes