Imagine if: Those that did not drive did

Greater Greater Washington has some interesting stats on car ownership in Georgetown.

* 20% of households have no car
* 57% of households have one car
* 23% of households have more than one car

Now what would happen if the 20% that did not have a car followed the example of the 23% that have more then one car, there would be an increase in traffic by 46%.

Or if those multi-car households would drop just one car, there would be 21% decrease in traffic.

None of us like traffic and congestion but the solution is not more and more car centric thinking so everyone has to drive. In Georgetown if everyone followed the car light model with only car per household the traffic reduction would be 46%. 57% are already doing it, its just the 23% that is making it hard on everyone else. Think about this.

Data source: <a href=""></a>;

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