Police almost run me down while they are talking on a cell phone

Letter sent to the Mayor:

On 11-21-10 at 7:33 PM as a pedestrian I was crossing lawfully (wearing a reflective jacket) Reisterstown Rd at Seven Mile when a Police car #09(8)117 made a left turn from Seven Mile to go South on Reisterstown heading directly into me. I yelled and they came to a stop a few feet into the crosswalk almost hitting me. So I said loudly "Hang up and drive." to which the officer just smiled/laughed and then drove off. This is no laughing matter! Maryland ranks the 4th highest in pedestrian fatality rate, Baltimore City 42% of all traffic fatalities are pedestrains, Baltimore County the 2nd highest count of pedestrian fatalities.

Please understand that I am a very shaken over this event, It was Baltimore City Police but the intersection falls in Baltimore County. I would love to request a crack down on drivers that fail to yield to pedestrains at this location as there have been weeks where it's been a daily occurrence for me. And please, tell your officers to hang up the cell phone and drive safe.

Thank you.

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