House passes bill in Michigan requiring drivers education to include bicycle laws

By Diane Ursu - Michigan Mountain Biking Examiner

Michigan drivers education courses do not currently include instruction on laws regarding bicycles. The League of Michigan Bicyclists is working to change that by promoting a bill that will require classroom instruction of bicycle laws and "awareness of the operation of bicycles on the streets, roads, and highways of this state."

The final reading of House Bill 4960, which was originally introduced in May 2009 to both the House and Senate, was voted on and passed by the Michigan House of Representatives on November 9, 2010. The bill was introduced in the Senate as Senate Bill 0531. The Senate has yet to vote on the bill.

In their article, "Bicycle Safety in Drivers Ed," the League of Michigan Bicyclists warns of the lack of education. "This leads many motorists to insist incorrectly—and too often violently—that bicyclists belong on sidewalks. Angry motorists regularly threaten cyclists both verbally and physically. Hundreds of Michigan bicyclists are injured or killed each year in automobile/bicycle collisions."

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