DC Buses: Pedestrians Get Out of My Way

In an effort to increase safety WMTA has instigated a pilot "Talking Bus" program. When a driver turns on it turn signals a voice any Borg would be proud of announces “PEDESTRIANS, BUS IS TURNING.” Greater Greater Washington points out:
"Worse, talking buses bully pedestrians into accepting responsibility for an incident that might occur. After all, if someone is unfortunately struck, shouldn't they have seen it coming? It's logic designed to distract attention away from the incident itself, and prematurely assign responsibility. "

Doesn't this sound like The Onion's Pedestrian Safety Program? <a href="http://www.baltimorespokes.org/article.php?story=20100813104440316">http://www.baltimorespokes.org/article.php?story=20100813104440316</a>;

You know it would be nice to have a safety program that The Onion did not think of first, just saying.

To hear the new buses: <a href="http://unsuckdcmetro.blogspot.com/2010/11/increased-safety-or-nuisance.html">http://unsuckdcmetro.blogspot.com/2010/11/increased-safety-or-nuisance.html</a>;

More from Greater Greater Washington: <a href="http://greatergreaterwashington.org/post.cgi?id=7664">http://greatergreaterwashington.org/post.cgi?id=7664</a>;

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