Article explores bike-car-pedestrian relations

[B' Spokes: More bike/ped/car relations from Michael Dresser. One thing I think that needs highlighting is the race to red lights. It amazes me how often road rage or aggressive driving ensues when cyclists dare to stop for red lights. It is human nature to avoid conflict so I am empathetic to cyclists that run red lights though I do encourage them to look for other ways to deal with this issue. It all boils down to education and what to expect from other road users and I am thankful to Michael for bringing more awareness on this issue.]

from Getting There by Michael Dresser

Reuters has an interesting article on the sometimes toxic relations among motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. Felix Salmon writes from a New York bicyclist's point of view, but he's not at all sparing of his fellow bikers who trample all over the traffic laws. And most of his points are equally applicable in the streets of Baltimore.

The article is especially recommended  to bicyclists who think they should be exempt from the traffic laws that govern sidewalk use and one-way  streets. Salmon explains, clearly  and from a bicyclists' point of view, why this is dangerous folly.

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