Easter Seals Project ACTION seeks better youth mobility

"For years we've viewed education and employment as integral to a successful transition to independent living in adulthood. But it's transportation that literally links students with disabilities to schools, the workplace, and every other destination in community life. If they don't have access to transportation, independent living becomes impossible, and this list is a road map to improve that access."

* Share information about transportation resources with youth.
* Train youth to use public transportation.
* Expand limited public transportation service on nights and weekends.
* Include student and school transportation issues in local transportation planning.
* Help planners learn about the family of transportation services, eligibility criteria, and funding streams available.

<a href="http://fastlane.dot.gov/2010/06/earlier-today-i-blogged-about-older-americans-and-livability-now-as-we-approach-the-20th-anniversary-of-the-americans-with.html">http://fastlane.dot.gov/2010/06/earlier-today-i-blogged-about-older-americans-and-livability-now-as-we-approach-the-20th-anniversary-of-the-americans-with.html</a>;

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