Frederick, Maryland Hit and Run

from Bob Mionske's Blog on Bicycle Law and Advocacy

Recently, was contacted by a woman who lives near Frederick, Maryland. She was seeking advice about how to track down a hit and run driver who had seriously injured her husband, Keith Krombel, a long-distance cyclist and Race Across America veteran. The police had downplayed the extent of Krombel's injuries to the press, and a year later, seem to be uninterested in finding the driver, so Mary and Keith have created their own website, Yellow Springs Hit and Run, to publicize the incident, and hopefully generate some tips. They believe that the original news report may have led people who might know something about the hit and run to believe that the incident was not serious, and that if friends or acquaintances of the driver knew how seriously Keith had been injured, somebody might come forward with a tip.

So take a look at their site, and if you're in the Frederick, Maryland area, pass the word about it. Hopefully, somebody who knows something will pass a tip on to Keith and Mary via their website.

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