Yesterday; what a roller coaster ride

To start the day off I woke up from a frustrating dream. In the dream I notified my neighbor that I was having a surveyor out to mark my property lines and he responded "No way unless you do something about my increased liability!" "But, but" I stammered, "the property line already exists, I am just defining were exactly it is." and the dream went on with more illogical conclusions and accusations. It should not take a professional to realize this is about my frustration over our 3' safe passing bill when we already have a safe passing distance required law (I really need to get a different life.)

Later on in the day One Less Car got a conference call together (unfortunately I was out and about and missed this.) And we found out the mysterious amendment was from MDOT. And we now have people working on a strategy that will strengthen rather than weakens bicyclist protection if this bill passes.

So the upshot is opposition to this bill is not the best strategy in the long run.

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