Nearly 70 & my father still insists upon bicycling in the snow!

From Jenna Norwood blog:

Check out my father’s Christmas Day activism re: human-powered locomotion in the snow. He’s nearly 70 and he still insists upon using his bicycle for transportation, regardless of the weather. He gave up his car years ago because of the environmental impact.

Greenbelt, the city where my father lives, is the last remaining cooperative community that was set up during FDR’s administration. Rexford Tugwell (whom my dog is named after) came up with the idea to bring people together for economic recovery after WWII. He and Eleanor Roosevelt were instrumental in creating and promoting the communities. ER spent time there & Tugwell retired there.

Incidentally, my father eats almost exclusively raw food (I inspired him!) and he rode his bicycle nearly 50 miles to his 50-year high school reunion on the weekend of his 68th birthday. That was after going raw for 30 days.

So…on Christmas Day when most people were celebrating with food and drink, my father was on a mission. [The get sidewalks cleared of snow.]`]

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