16th Annual "I've Ridden Every Day This Year!" Ride

ALL Paces, 5-45mi., ALL Conditions, Noon, Friday, Jan 1st, Mt Airy, Md.

That's what you'll say the whole day, and hopefully many days following as you start 2010 with cycling miles. No downside. Healthy and fun. Well, there was that resolution about organizing the sock drawer. Besides, ya kinda are. Set aside a pair or two of thin woolies depending on the temp.

Don't worry, our noon start time allows plenty of time to slug down the Starbucks, chomp down some flapjacks, throw a few logs on the fire and cuddle with a loved one or two, catch a few cartoons, shovel out the minivan, dust off and inflate the tires on the bike from December hibernation, or even catch a few extra winks in the year's first sleep-in. You'll be home long before dark if you made a resolution to clean the yard compost the tree, or take down the lights.

This 'inclusive' ride almost guarantees no dropped riders - from the easy pace of the casual new-hybrid-for-the-holidays rider to the over-achieving racer - we will have local leaders to work with the breaks and stragglers alike in this known-for-being-conversational outing in 'possum country.
We'll mingle a bit in the lot, size up the clothing, bikes, chatter, and calves, and all start together.
After a few gasps of the country air on our initial beginners' slope start, many will know how much of a toll December's parties took out of them.

<a href="http://www.bike123.com/Jan%201st%20ride.htm">http://www.bike123.com/Jan%201st%20ride.htm</a>;

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