Take Action not to cut off of Loch Raven Trails

This is a forward from the International Mountain Bikers Association. Click the link to send an email to relevant city Councilors and Mayor Dixon.

I'm sending this to all the ATB riders I know in the area - I hope you will do the same

Take a few minutes and click this link <a href="https://secure2.convio.net/imba/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&amp;page=UserAction&amp;id=289">https://secure2.convio.net/imba/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&amp;page=UserAction&amp;id=289</a>;

Fill out the form and let the leaders who want to shut off Loch Raven access that there are a lot of concerned MTB users.

They did this to us a decade or so ago and the tremendous response earned us the right to keep riding the singletrack there, let's do it again.

You know it is serious when IMBA gets behind the effort, time to step up!

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