Will Complete Streets legislation get run over?

Transportation For America November 2009
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Will Complete Streets legislation get run over?

With more than 400 pedestrians killed every month in America, the desperate need for safe, "Complete Streets" in our communities is abundantly clear. In response to your emails and our advocacy, the Obama Administration is taking notice of the pedestrian safety crisis (see below), but many in Congress have yet to make a stand on the issue.

We need to demand safer streets from leaders in Washington. New roads should be built for all the people who use our streets - motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists - of every age and ability. Help make safer streets the law: Ask your representatives and senators to get vocal in support of the Complete Streets Act of 2009.

Make a difference today.
Take Action
Florida County Heeds Call for Complete Streets
Florida County Heeds Call for Complete Streets | 11/13/09

The day after our Dangerous by Design report ranked Florida metros among the worst for safety, Lee County, FL, adopted a Complete Streets resolution...

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Senators Look to Transit to Revitalize Rural America | 11/13/09

Senators in some rural states are leading the charge in the Senate to explore how transportation innovation can reap big rewards for rural Americans...

John Robert Smith
VIDEO: "Or we'll lose it for my grandson's generation." | 11/09/09

In this video interview, Mayor John Robert Smith, new co-chair of Transportation for America, speaks about the fight for real transportation reform...

You Got USDOT Secretary Ray LaHood on Board!

Last week we met with US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, presenting him with the signatures of thousands of Americans demanding safer streets and our Dangerous by Design report, exposing the crisis of pedestrian safety in America.

The stark statistics left an impression. "The right of way doesn't just belong to cars," he said. "It belongs to pedestrians and bicyclists as well."

Secretary LaHood was hopeful that federal transportation policy can better accommodate all users and keep them safe, and that now is the right time to make that change. He even blogged about the meeting afterwards on the US Department of Transportation's official blog.

See photos from the meeting and read more about what Secretary LaHood had to say.

Learn More

Each month, on average, more than 400 pedestrians are killed in America - that's roughly the equivalent of a jumbo jet crashing every single month.

Source: Transportation for America, "Dangerous by Design."

PARTNER SPOTLIGHT: 400 and counting!
Amtrak Partnership for Prevention Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Minnesota AFL CIO
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