One Less Car acts to support the Complete Streets Act

Dear Senator Cardin:

I am writing to you to encourage you to cosponsor S. 584, the Complete Streets Act of 2009. As the Executive Director of One Less Car, a Maryland non-profit organization with over 12,000 members, I strongly believe in the importance of providing a wide variety of transportation options. At One Less Car, we are working to make Maryland an example of the economic and social good that comes from a society where everyone regardless of age, physical condition or economic background has the opportunity to bike, walk or use mass transit to get where they need to go. The Complete Streets Act is an important first step in making that happen.

I strongly encourage urge you to co-sponsor the Complete Streets Act and support complete streets throughout the development of the next transportation authorization bill. This important piece of legislation would ensure that future transportation investments made by state Departments of Transportation (DOT) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) create appropriate and safe transportation facilities for all those using the road motorists, transit vehicles and riders, bicyclists, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.

As you may know, the Complete Streets Act of 2009 is based on existing successful state and local policies. The bill directs state DOTs and MPOs to adopt such policies and apply them to upcoming transportation projects receiving federal funds. The resulting policies will be flexible and cost effective, with a process that clarifies appropriate situations in which a street would be exempted from being covered under the policy, including issues of prohibitive costs. Streets designed for all users are safer, can ease congestion, are less costly in the long run, and spur economic development. Complete streets also make important contributions towards alleviating the serious national challenges of energy security, climate change and obesity. Complete streets promote clean air, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help children and adults get more physical activity by providing safe, convenient alternatives to driving.

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