Police determine bicyclist at fault in fatal accident

The Baltimore Sun picked up on our story (<a href="http://www.baltimorespokes.org/article.php?story=20090820231731405">http://www.baltimorespokes.org/article.php?story=20090820231731405</a>; ) and added some additional information:

&quot;This tanker truck was filled with fuel, making the back very, very heavy,&quot; Guglielmi said. &quot;It would have been impossible for him to realize he would have done this.&quot;

The spokesman also said Friday that surveillance video capturing the crash shows the cyclist was at fault, but Guglielmi declined to comment further until the report on the accident is complete. Results of the forensic testing should take three to six weeks, he said.

Steven D. Silverman, an attorney representing the Yates family, said they were awaiting public disclosure of the driver and the vehicle. Although the driver may not face criminal charges, he still could be found civilly liable for Yates' death, the lawyer said.

Based on the video, Silverman said the driver did not signal he was making the right turn and did so when the path was not clear.

&quot;Whether Mr. Yates was in the blind spot is something that needs to be determined,&quot; Silverman said. However, &quot;that doesn't absolve [the driver] of civil liability,&quot; he said

<a href="http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bal-city-bicyclist-death0821,0,3966912.story">http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bal-city-bicyclist-death0821,0,3966912.story</a>;

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