Paging Baltimore City Police, White Courtesy Phone Please

This is a difficult alert to pen as I have a great deal of respect for our Police Department and the fine officers that serve this City. But as outlined in our Bike Master Plan as adopted by City Council:

Training specific to bicycle safety and enforcement is not currently provided at the Baltimore Police Academy and bicycle safety or enforcement issues are rarely mentioned at daily roll call, the venue for new information or updated enforcement instructions. Currently, enforcing laws related to bicycle operations and safety in traffic is not among the department’s highest priorities...

Recommendation 1: Develop partnership with ... Baltimore City Police Department, and the Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee to identify and address bicycle-vehicle safety measures through enforcement and new or amended laws.
Measurable Outcome: Convene committee and implement recommendations by 2008.

Recommendation 2: Provide training for Baltimore police officers regarding bicycle safety laws and issues faced by on-street bicyclists.
■ Assess existing bicycle training for police officers and address gaps.
■ Ensure understanding of bicycles as vehicles, how to determine fault in and document crashes, and bicycle-motorized vehicle interaction.
■ Increase number of police on bicycle mounted patrol.
Measurable Outcome: Police Academy curriculum and ongoing training will include bicycle law and safety information by 2007.

Recommendation 3: Identify the most common conflicting movements between bicycle and vehicle users and determine enforcement mechanisms to mitigate these conflicts.
■ Develop counter measures program including training for officers, public service announcements, engineering, etc.
Measurable Outcome: Counter measures program developed and implemented by 2009.

Despite getting a name and contact info to get Recommendation 1 rolling we are not getting any return emails or return phone calls. We have been patient and trying to work within the system to no avail so we are sending out this alert. Our issues are quality of life issues, our issues are for the safety and well being of our children, our issues are supported by the Mayor, something needs to be done!

Recent reports on Baltimore Spokes show the need for bike theft sting operations to catch (most likely) the same person who is stealing bikes from a particular area, undercover police on bicycles to apprehend and convect people who are assaulting cyclists as well as curtail bike jacking. Not to mention reports that I have received that police do not understand the difference between urban legends about bicycling, bike safety and bike law so they will stop and give orders for cyclists to ride in an unsafe and unlawful manner.

The Fatality Analysis Reporting System ranks Maryland the 8th worst state for pedestrian fatalities recently released Maryland Strategic Highway Safety Plan Report highlights how Baltimore City and kids are over representative in pedestrian injuries.

We strongly urge the time is long past due for Baltimore City Police to get involved with the City's Bike Master Plan. We encourage all to write to their City Council reps and if you live outside the city but ride here write to City Council President Stephanie Rawlings-Blake . You can find your City Council Rep here And if you feel inclined you can email the police here but don't be surprised if they do not respond.

Please be supportive and positive as starting something new does take effort and if you have a relevant personal story to tell that can be brief and to the point that would be good as well. But most important the Police must take action on the City Bike Master Plan, establish a new liaison and they need to contact our rep in city

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Baltimore Spokes