What's right and wrong with bicycle transportation planning 6/24 6:00 PM

I'm in need of a bicycle "cheering squad" on 6/24 6:00 PM at 2700 Lighthouse Point East (2700 block of Boston Street), Suite 310, in the Canton area of southeast Baltimore City. (arriving a bit late will probably be ok.)

We are 8 years into the State's 20 year master plan to make Maryland the best state for bicycling and walking. How are we doing in planning and building comfortable bike routes to work, shopping centers or even make biking to a trail a pleasant experience?

What is the State's policy in planning and funding extra road width to comfortable accommodate cyclists using the best engineering practices? What is the State's policy in following federal guide lines in utilizing Federal Funding to address the "needs" of bicyclists? Is the state listening to the needs and concerns of bicyclists?

What I have uncovered is truly shocking and has to change! This is a rare opportunity to address the State's implementation of Federal policies and dispersement of Federal Transportation Funds.

Please try and come if you can.

More info: <a href="http://www.baltimorespokes.org/article.php?story=20080606211851846">http://www.baltimorespokes.org/article.php?story=20080606211851846</a>;

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