Drivers Using Cell Phones Are Very Dangerous, Austrailian Study Finds

[What do you think about SB2? Here is one cyclists opinion:]

Dear Senator,

I urge you to support Senator Mike Lenett's bill (SB2) banning the use of cell phones by young drivers. Actually the bill is not nearly sufficient. No driver should use a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle. I have been nearly run over many time by drivers who were talking on cell phones while I was trying to walk across streets at intersections. What is worse, most of the time those drivers had no idea that they nearly killed me!

The following responsible study determined that drivers using cell phones have a four fold greater risk of traffic accidents. Please note that the study found that hands-free devices did not reduce the incidence of accidents.

Overview of SB2: <a href=""></a>;
Full text: <a href=""></a>;

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
1005 N. Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22201
Phone 703/247-1500 Fax 247-1588
<a href=""></a>;

Status Report, Vol. 40, No. 6, July16, 2005

[Full Report at: <a href=";">;</a>; ]

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