Car sharing in Baltimore update

From Parking Authority of Baltimore City -

In 2006, the Parking Authority issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a car sharing company to come to Baltimore. Zipcar had brought the issue to our attention originally, but did not ultimately submit a proposal. Flexcar was the only organization to answer the RFP, but they did so to our satisfaction, and we spent most of 2007 working with them to identify potential users, working out the terms of the contract and determining a couple dozen locations for the vehicles. On October 31, Flexcar and Zipcar announced that they were merging. We met with Regional Vice Presidents of both companies and learned that it was Zipcar

In terms of identifying locations for potential car sharing vehicle pods (car sharing works best when more than one vehicle is available at any given location), we are looking for locations that are near potential members including businesses and residents and are not on streets with peak hour restrictions.

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