The Great Bike Ride and Kids Festival at Druid Hill Park

Join us for the Great Bike Ride and Kids Festival at Druid Hill Park & celebrate biking in Baltimore!

The ride has been postponed.

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The Baltimore Bike-A-Thon and Kids Festival is a great fundraiser for elementary schools, pre-K programs and other organizations; it's the only major kids Festival in the Greater Baltimore Area.

The mission of the Baltimore Bike-A-Thon and Kids Festival is to present a unique opportunity for students to raise money for their schools and to provide an athletic activity and fun festival especially for kids. The Baltimore Bike-A-Thon and Kids Festival also provides a platform for businesses to network and offer their products and services to students, parents, teachers, and school administrators.


During a visit to Druid Hill Park with her twin sons, Angelita Crawford, creator of the Baltimore Bike-A-Thon and Kids Festival, envisioned a bike-a-thon filled with young children riding their bikes around the reservoir. To make her vision reality, she immediately brought the idea to the parent group of her sons

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