ACTION ALERT - Cyclists and transit riders in the Baltimore area need your help

[Senator Gladden's response: <a href=""></a>;]
From One Less Car's newsletter:
If you live in or around Baltimore City you have probably noticed something missing from the MTA buses. No bike racks! The Maryland Transit Administration is one of the very few remaining major transit systems in the U.S. that does not equip its bus fleet with bicycle racks. In Philadelphia and Washington DC bike racks are on the front of every transit bus.

Its not that bike racks cost all that much. The estimated price tag for outfitting the entire MTA bus fleet with racks is under $1 million dollars. It's a small price to pay to make the area's transit network far more accessible.

If you use the MTA system or live in an area serviced by MTA and would use the system if it were more bike accessible, please contact Governor Martin O'Malley via email by accessing his constituent feedback webpage - <a href=""></a>; Under &quot;email topic&quot; select &quot;transportation issues&quot;. Tell the governor that the Baltimore metro area deserves a first class bus system and that having bike racks on buses is a key to making that happen. You can also call his office at 410-974-3591.

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