Numbers State The Obvious, Portlanders Love Bikes And Busses

By Andrew Theen - OPB

The percentage of Portlanders who bike to work is 8 times the national average. That's according to data from the 2005 American Community Survey, or ACS.

The ACS is an annual, and census officials say, more thorough version of the once-a-decade census.

Portland City Auditor Gary Blackmer says having so much accurate yearly data allows policy-makers to raise up to date questions with city leaders.

Gary Blackmer: "There's been huge growth in bicycling, in walking. Let's focus on multi-modal transportation. Let's not say it's either cars or mass transit. What are the other ways that we can get people to their jobs."

Portland and Multnomah County were original test areas for the American Community Survey a decade ago. The ACS will officially replace the long-form census in 2010.

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