HELP: Bike Commuting Project

This request came in from one of the local lists and since this needs to be done before Feb 09 I thought I would help to promote the request here.

I would like assistance in putting together a display for this Friday Bike/Ped Symposium in Annapolis. The event last year focused on bike paths and recreation, but did not have much on bike commuting and I would like to create a display highlighting bike commuters.

I would like to put together a quick display of bike commuters from around MD. If you are a bike commuter, please take the time to email me with the following:

First Name:

Bike Commute Avg Time:
Bike Commute Avg Distance:
Annual Mileage:
Bike Terrain: (Moderately Hilly/flat/constant incline/decline, etc)
Road Conditions: Light/Medium/Heavy Traffic, Mostly Bike Path, Bike Lane/Shoulder, Etc.

Bike Use: Commute to work, small trips to store, church, meetings, etc. 50% of my travel

Bike: Brand / module / type (mountain,road,comfort,recumbent)

Commuting Limitations: (What causes you not to ride)

Why do you bike commute (brief answer)?

Issues facing you as a bike commuter:
(things that you feel negatively affect bike commuting)

Create route on and email me the link.

Email a picture of you commuting to work.

Comments (1)

Baltimore Spokes