Nominees for the Rusted Chain Award

I normally like to keep things positive but certain individuals I think went a bit out of their way for the cause of disuse of bicycles for the everyday average type of person, hence the Rusted Chain Award seems like an appropriate title. So with some reluctance here are my thoughts who would be eligible:

Secretary of Transportation Robert L. Flanagan
With obesity rates on the rise, with state roads being the most hazardous for cyclists and pedestrians, with more schools prohibiting biking or walking and being a buses only school, with more of school budgets being consumed by the high price of gas, with MDOT coming in under budget at least two years in a row by at least $40 million, with a state surplus of money this year, with this being an election year, with Baltimore planning to build over a 100 miles of bike lanes with a little over $3 million you would think he would be a little more responsive to accommodating bikes and pedestrians especially on critical projects. But no, the I-95 widening project is a car only project and bikes and pedestrians don

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